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The Integral Role of Artificial Intelligence in Our Daily Lives

The Integral Role of Artificial Intelligence in Our Daily Lives

The Integral Role of Artificial Intelligence in Our Daily Lives

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has taken over almost every aspect of our lives, bringing significant improvements along the way. Its impact is undeniable and impossible to ignore.

AI-powered entertainment platforms provide user-specific content, ensuring no two users have the same experience as their preferences and interests are considered in the selection process.

The same can be said about medicine. AI can diagnose a disease by using an algorithm to read and interpret patterns that the human eye cannot. AI uses imaging to improve the accuracy of the diagnostic. One of the most impressive ways AI assists is by freeing us of all the little tasks AI can very effectively streamline and automate, and this is what it does best.
In medicine: AI and machine learning can identify and progress through the data to identify patterns that would suggest that an individual is likely to develop a particular disease. AI comes in and assists physicians and healthcare professionals in getting zip through millions of pieces of data to arrive at some of the first questions that a practice should ask. It also produces better imaging for a clearer diagnosis.

AI in auto: Automobile companies have made it very clear that self-driving vehicles are the way of the future, as they have been produced and as a result, fewer fatalities. Having more vehicles on the road that can optimize their movement reduces the congestion of vehicles on the road, leaving an overall better experience for those in traffic.
AI in transportation: AI is also used to the benefit of drivers through ride-sharing apps. Algorithms are used to match drivers that are the closest to the person requesting a ride. Our devices can come with a personal assistant that is there 24 hours a day to help us with any of the tasks that require us to input data.

In education, AI personalizes lessons according to an individual’s learning preferences and capacity, providing interesting and more inclusive learning tools. Cybersecurity uses AI to identify and prevent threats, thereby protecting data and networks from breaches.

While AI can offer countless benefits to humanity by being everywhere, so does it pose ethical dilemmas such as job loss and data integrity issues. So the key to AI’s usage is to strike the right balance. AI has a definite place in our lives and work. But the onus is now to see to it that AI always aligns in the direction of human interests, supporting progress and innovation.

Anas Khabir \ ADQ KHABIR 2024    Photo source:

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